Sunday 31 July 2011

Why do I love her?

"All I know is that, I know nothing!!"

I look up in the sky a lot and think about this incredible universe and the forces or powers controlling it. It’s amazing how the universe encompasses so many stars, planets, meteoroids and so many other things we don’t even know about. I read a lot about Black Holes, The Big Bang Theory and always yearn for more. Black hole is believed to have so much of gravitational force that even the light which falls on it cannot reflect back. That is why it appears to be like a black hole. You might wonder how can we possibly find a Black Hole in the universe if we cannot see one?....We can detect the presence of the black hole if we find some planets or stars revolving around a dark spot, like the planets revolve around sun. A Black Hole could me billion times smaller than sun but with gravitation force billion times greater than sun. None was ever found though. Black hole is still just a hypothesis....Also many scientists believe that one possible way to do time travel is passing through a black hole.

Universe seems infinite and I believe nobody can ever understand its nature, but there is one more thing which stupefies me even more……Human being and its interpersonal attractions. We are so complex…..and the way our brain works sometimes dazzles me.

I believe I can answer a lot of questions or either comment on most of them. Ask me the name of our vice-president, the capital city of Brazil (it’s not Rio de Janeiro), the day America got independence or the revenue of the world’s top ten companies, but the question I don’t have even the slightest idea of is “why do I love her?”.  A question like this seems pretty simple but I never find any answer. I can never possibly understand the way our brain works. All logics crash when it comes to interpersonal attraction and some other forces start to work. Conventional Laws of attraction doesn't help. So what do we do if we ever get stuck in situation with questions like this all around us?…....I say run…run away, as far as possible and run fast!

Knowledge is very important and from the beginning of our life, everybody stresses upon us to learn more and more about the world around us. From school to college we grill ourselves to understand this incredible universe and all that it includes. We think we are doing pretty fine and might someday become a scientist or a doctor and will know all about the world, and beyond,…..till the time we turn fifteen. Suddenly we find ourselves overwhelmed with totally different kind of questions like............why do I miss this girl when she is not around, I love her, why I am jealous, and does she love me too? After struggling with these questions for few years we learn a new lesson in life that not knowing something is often more comfortable than knowing it. It's rather better to let yourself flow with these feelings than to figure out the reason behind and deal with it rationally.…..I always wanted and still want to discern the universe but when it comes to understanding interpersonal attraction, I would say “ignorance is bliss”.

Monday 25 July 2011

DB Cooper

It’s a basic human mentality that we carve even more, to know about the things which we possibly can’t find answer for. Scientists believe that this is the reason why we have evolved so much and rose above all other species. We stop at nothing and keep looking for answers which seems beyond our reach. But apparently, eventually we get the answers too. In the 14th and 15th century many of the curious renaissance scientists must have look up in the sky and asked questions, answers to which has lead us to know all about universe. We just need to think from a broad perspective and ask ourselves all sorts of questions. Isaac Newton was not just looking up in the sky, but he was looking into the vast universe with billions and billions of stars and planet, when he saw an apple falling from a tree. He wondered, out of whole universe why this apple came back to the earth and generalized theory of gravitation. So why do we restrict ourselves. Why do we keep looking through the window when we can open the whole damn door and get outside? 

Again, there are so many interesting and unexplored mysteries to talk about. Is there life on any other planet in the universe? Is time travel possible?......If you say no, Albert Einstein would like to disagree...Anyway, all this sounds too big. Let me share with you one interesting popular mystery I read the other day about, on the internet. “Mystery about DB Cooper” is one of the biggest mysteries of all time and the only unsolved plane Hijack incident ever in the History. This guy alone hijacked an American Boeing 727 in 1971. He asked for $200,000 in ransom in the form of $20 bills and four parachutes. Money provided to him was marked so that whenever he makes any transaction with this money, he will get caught. After getting this stuff, Cooper than ordered pilot to fly towards Mexico. Immediately two fighter jets started following this plane. Just 20 minutes after the take off, he jumped out of the plane with two parachutes and bag full of money.

This incident is then followed by world’s most expensive and long manhunt. But till date nobody could ever find DB Cooper, neither any traces of the parachutes he jumped with. No transaction was also made with that money. Nine years after this incident, an eight year old kid found a bundle of money near Columbia River around the area where DB Cooper had jumped. That money was confirmed to be the part of one provide as ransom to DB Cooper. Since then many conjectures have been put forth by FBI and other agencies about what could have happened to DB Cooper but none was proved true. Surviving after jumping from such a great height, with huge weight on the back seems unlikely to many. But then where is rest of the money and parachutes? Also many have claimed to know DB Cooper long after the incident. For instance, wife of Duane Weber, told FBI that three days before the death of her husband, he told her that he is DB cooper. She also told that, her husband took her to a picnic near Columbia River sometime in 1979, around the same time when that kid found a pack of ransom money near the river. Duane Weber also suffers through a knee injury which possibly could be due to the jump from an airplane. This is just one of the many claims made. Internet is inundated with DB Cooper.

Interesting isn’t it? So let’s unravel another one of the mystery. To begin with, why don’t we start with ourselves? There is so much we do not know about ourselves. Like what we want out of life, what we really want to achieve, what kind of person we are and what kind of person we want to be with. I am sure you will figure out something new about yourself if you ask these questions. A new thought will pop up in your head and you will realize that this is something you never knew. But we are so complicated and fickle minded that this exercise could take a while. However this long pursuit to find yourself and the bits which we learn in the process to do that is much more interesting than the final result. Nobody would have been interested in the story about DB Cooper if he would have been found.....So hop on and start exploring. Finding yourself is no different than finding DB Cooper, except that DB Cooper might never be found.